F Just a Louisiana Girl in a Texas World: 10 things you probably don't know about me

Friday, April 27

10 things you probably don't know about me

I am going to start doing some fun posts

10 things you probably don't know about me

  1. I went to way too many schools. The last school I went, I could've enrolled myself (haha) 
  2. I graduated a year after my brother, who is younger than me
  3. I am a night owl, been one since I was a baby
  4. I can drink coffee at night and not get hyper
  5. I hate being alone at home. I turn on most all the lights and I keep the TV on all night in the living room
  6. I am a big binge watcher
  7. I have TV series that I have at least 10 episodes  and haven't yet watch them 
  8. I am a very picky eater
  9. I am a gagger and I hate it a lot. The doctor can't use the wooden thing for my throat, because I gag 
  10. I am a slow reader, so I read along with Alexia sometimes
  11. Bonus:  I live at home and I love it!!!! I really don't care what people think. It's really none of their business

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

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