F Just a Louisiana Girl in a Texas World: Currently- March

Wednesday, March 3

Currently- March

 Wow, it's been a while since I've done one of these!!! I have been a very bad blogger lately. So much going on in my life right now. I miss blogging 

choosingimaginingmakingrecommending, and wearing

Choosing on what to sell, take, throw away or donate when I am cleaning the house and my room 

Imagining what my life is going to be when I move to Texas full time

I will be making a list of doctors and dentist that I am going to be needing in Texas

Recommending Poppy Handcrafted Popcorn!! It's amazing. A local gift store where I live sells it

I have been wearing Spalding Women's Bootleg Yoga Pant a lot. They are very comfy. I want to get me some more


  1. Making moving decisions is so hard. I don't envy you that task.

    1. lol Yes it is. I have been slacking with that

  2. That popcorn sounds great. And moves are a lot of work, but exciting too - hope yours goes well!

    1. Hope you get a chance to try some
      Yes it is alot of work and thanks

  3. Moving is the perfect time to have a really good declutter and if you can donate items, then someone else benefits as well. Good luck with your transition to Texas full-time.

  4. We are helping my mom with that first one right now - she is downsizing to a more manageable size living space and she needs to make those choices as well. Your move sounds exciting!

    1. Best of luck to your mom on a new journey

  5. I'm all about comfy clothes these days. Good luck with your move!!

