F Just a Louisiana Girl in a Texas World: Currently-April

Wednesday, April 7


 Happy Wednesday everyone! Hope everyone had a great Easter holiday. It was just me and my dad, so it was nice. His birthday was the day before Easter, so we celebrated that

 arrangingcravingdiscussingenjoying, and preparing

I am arranging things around the house for the photographer to take pics of the house

Craving the Jolly Rancher Jelly Beans I got for Easter. They are so good!!!

Discussing with my dad who is going to win The Masked Singer. This is an amazing show and we watch it together

Enjoying daylight savings time! I LOVE when it gets dark at 8. I hated when it got darker early.

Preparing to pack boxes and bags 

Have a wonderful week!!!


  1. I do love that it gets darker out later. I have been doing a lot of porch reading.


  2. I'm enjoying the longer daylight hours too!
